
Monday, August 19, 2019

what i have done to investigate the presence of starch in leaves and how

To investigate the presence of starch in the leaves we experiment on.

2 leaves, Boiling  tube,ethanol,tweezers,iodine

Image result for diagram of testing a leaf for starchfirst you will need 2 leaves add boiling water to kill them. Then place the leaves in a boiling tube with Ethanol, then you will see the colour draining from the leaves. Remove the leaves then wash them, after that place them on a tile then add iodine to both leaves and see what happens.

I have found out that there is colour change happening green to purple which i had found out that had starch in.


  1. I did that at school about 50 years ago Poppy! Science is fun!

  2. Hi Poppy

    This is a well thought out post. I like how you had your headings and a good explanation of how to do the experiment. When do you think an experiment like this would be useful? Did you make the illustration, that is fabulous and really supports your post well. Have you thought about how you could explain the same thing with an animation?
